====== Global Encryption Day Statement 2021 (allekirjoitettu 20.9.2021) ====== 20.9.2021 Iki allekirjoitti Internet Society:n Global Encryption Day (21.10.2021) Statement vetoomuksen salauksen tärkeydestä yksityisyydelle ja tietoturvalle. ===== Yhteenveto suomeksi ===== Vahva salaus on välttämätön työkalu kohti turvallista maailmaa meille kaikille. ===== Lausunnon alkuperäinen teksti ===== Global Encryption Day Statement Strong encryption is a critical technology that helps keep people, their information, and communications private and secure. It underpins online trust, protects members of vulnerable communities, and safeguards the data of governments, businesses, and everyday citizens from criminals and hostile governments. However, some governments and organizations are pushing to weaken encryption, which would create a dangerous precedent that compromises the security of billions of people around the world. Actions in one country that undermine encryption threaten us all. On Global Encryption Day, we call on governments and the private sector to reject efforts to undermine encryption and instead pursue policies that enhance, strengthen, and promote use of strong encryption to protect people everywhere. We also support and encourage the efforts of companies to protect their customers by deploying strong encryption on their services and on their platforms. Strong encryption is a critical tool toward a safer world for us all. https://www.globalencryption.org Ensimmäinen Global Encryption Day 21.10.2021 https://ged.globalencryption.org