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faq:bugreporting [2021-04-03 04:07] – luotu haafaq:bugreporting [2021-04-03 04:20] haa
Rivi 7: Rivi 7:
 ===== Contact information ===== ===== Contact information =====
-If the IP address of the server is in the IP address blocks listed [[faq:ikiniposoitteet|on this page]], then you should contact iki-hallitus@iki.fi (the board of the society) to reach our administrators.+If the IP address of the server is in an IP address block listed [[faq:ikiniposoitteet|on this page]], then you should contact iki-hallitus@iki.fi (the board of the society) to reach our administrators.
-Most //something//.iki.fi servers and subdomains are hosted by out members. For issues with //esimerkki//.iki.fi you should contact //esimerkki//@iki.fi with email.+Other //something//.iki.fi servers and subdomains are hosted by out members themselves. For issues with //something//.iki.fi you should contact //something//@iki.fi with email.
 ===== Bug bounty ===== ===== Bug bounty =====
-If you help us find and we can fix a security problem on our computers, we may be able to pay a small bug bounty as thanks depending on the severity of the issue.+If you help us find and we can fix a security problem on our computers, we may be able to pay a small bug bounty depending on the severity of the issue.
faq/bugreporting.txt · Viimeksi muutettu: 2021-04-07 00:03 / haa