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Reporting bugs and security problems


iki.fi is an all volunteer non-profit small organisation trying to help people communicate better using the internet.

Contact information

If the IP address of the server is in an IP address block listed on the page https://ikiwiki.iki.fi/faq/ikiniposoitteet then you can contact iki-hallitus@iki.fi (the board of the society).

Other *.iki.fi servers and subdomains are hosted by our members themselves. For issues with e.g. example.iki.fi you can contact example@iki.fi with email and optionally Cc: iki-hallitus@iki.fi. All of our members are individual persons.

Bug bounty

If you help find a security problem and we can then fix it on iki.fi servers, we may be able to pay a small bug bounty depending on the severity of the issue.

faq/bugreporting.1617715900.txt.gz · Viimeksi muutettu: 2021-04-06 13:31 / haa